Time Saving + Money Making!
Sales & Distro HUB App + WP Plugin
Make Daily Pick Lists, Print Thermal Labels, Customise Templates and Designer. A Complete Staff Work flow System.
A WordPress plugin that turns the ecommerce website into a Operational work flow System.
Helps to “Pick” the product, “Pack” the Product and then “Send” to Product to the customer after online purchase. A full system interconnecting MYOB, EBAY, Woo Commerce and the staff and customers of your business.
An Online Store Business Staff Work flow System
Pick Pack and Send is a system that provides tools for an ecommerce store owner to streamline their operations, tools for staff daily tasks, and back Officine systems to help to manage your products, payments, customers and orders. Its all about connectivity and managing data.
Check this space as Nijo Dream is currently developing this product to be released to the public for purchase in the near future.