Multiple Level Logins and Interfaces

From Administrator, staff, clients, agents all have different functions and access levels to data and what is required.

Clients Can Submit Jobs Directly.

A client of Sharmans, has the ability to submit their work, and see progress, get approval, all the way through the workflow through to invoicing, and synchronising the assets to MYOB...

Nijo Dream Built the Database and API and Everything From Scratch.

The app required a lot of planning and modelling, a lot of time was spent to understand the business, learn the operations... Only then could we start on data structure and inventing the system to do the job.

Communications Systems with Integrated Business Logic

All jobs and production have been designed in such a way as to enable the ability to produce and communicate with all participants of a job or project. Through notes, email designs, and system tiggers and automations. Daily tasks that used to take up considerable time now can be process with a ``click of a button``...

Performance Monitoring, Logging, Data Analysis and Visualisations

The entire system is built upon a log and trigger and action system, that allows for performance reviews and analysis of the entire systems users and functions to be monitored and analysed. This ensures all work and job production, staff and business operations run are efficiently as possible.

Create Word Documents, Templates and Merging Data Systems.

We combine many technologies to create the interface and capabilities to produce hundreds of templated document types, with template designers and automated communication systems.

Built in Encryption Technologies + Tools for Sensitive Documents

Adobe PDF and Word (docx) documents can be encrypted and assigned a ``Client only Encryption Key`` to view and access sensitive data.,

Two Factor Authentication

Client Level can be activated as mandatory by administrators, Works with modern authentication mobile apps like google and Microsoft authenticator apps.

Accounting Invoicing + MYOB Integrated.

From every step of the job workflow, to the very end. the system can log and track, then create invoices, that are reconciled all through the app, then synchronised with MYOB. The App is MYOB live, all the time and is heavy integrated with MYOB API.

There a too many things to mention, in regards to the features and tools of this office application.

For a preview of a sample of this application contact Nijo Dream. This app is a PRIVATE and Commercial system, that can only be used and accessed by privileged clients of Sharman’s.

Thinking you wish to digitalise your business and make it function online, have a spot where all your staff login, communicate with clients in a controlled environment? Call Nick… Lets Chat.

This App is Amazing!

A business productivity tool that has revolutionised the way business operations are conducted.

We are currently drawing near to 7 years of development for this Office Application, it has been in use since 2022, but we continue to enhance, tinker to make this product a success with Neil Sharman, Director of Sharmans. This is a business productivity Tool (Web App) that does it all.

This project has been one of Nijo Dreams biggest successes and projects ever undertaken. The project required a very high level of standards, reliability and security as it is utilised as an every day office tool for the Banking, Legal and Private Investigation sectors, on a daily basis to perform business tasks.

The outcomes of this project simply are amazing. Having a client with a dream, vision and goal and a determination to make something that has never been done before, come into action, helps to drive forward something this large to completion. Now being an everyday asset to Sharmans and integral part of operations.

Nijo Dream absolutely love doing these types of projects, and they are our forte. Building technology assets from ground up and theĀ  entire systems, infrastructures, api’s, databases…and inventing and joining and experimenting until we get it just right… juggled together with professional crafted design user interfaces.

This application combines everyday office production of affidavits, legal and internal office documents, invoicing and client management, to offering a portal for all levels to submit and review work, progress and and updates, instantly, live and from any location in the world.

Today this is the key to being able to manage “Large” scale volumes or work, and having infrastructure in place, (the app) has allowed my client to grow and expand in many areas, as well as optimise productivity with the application offering automated services and tools for the staff that has and continues to provide time saving benefits to the business and the profit margins.


Sharmans is Nijo Dreams most valued and respected client, We work with this company daily and also provide a full IT service of the infrastructure and network setups to make such an application possible. … Sharmans now have a unique competitive edge in the marketplace!

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