We take the technical ‘hassles’ out of your hands!

Hiring the perfect web developer Nijo Dream will take all the technical jargon and hassle out of your hands and you end up with a professional purposeful, turn key product, custom designed and created to your needs, requirements and objectives of your business.

You will not regret it… It may not be your most inexpensive option, choosing Nijo Dream but in the long run your investment of a few extra dollars will be evident. We have added value and assets to hundreds of businesses over the past 20 years, contact Nick Bowen today to see if Nijo Dream can assist your business toady.

We provide a full written proposal, estimated timeframes, objectives, budgets and desired outcomes. We make it clear, transparent and simple to understand.

…We present a fixed quote price into a contract, with timelines, stage presentation milestones aligning with stage payments. You are informed and involved with your project through the entire process.

Turn your idea digital, make that dream real! Choose Nick Bowen One of Australia's Most Experienced Freelance Web Developers.

Create an online store, with solid foundations! Get ready to grow.

Web Apps

We are experts in making apps that run in the browser.

Ecommerce + Platform Connections

Nijo Dream has experience in connecting API's like MYOB and Ebay to your entire shopping systems. Making management all in one place.

Wordpress + Custom Build Platforms

Depending upon your needs and requirements we can use wordpress, and all it amazing tools to make your website a tool for you rather than just a presence.

A business website starter pack that others wished they had used.

We build custom websites for your business, rather than use built website templates to try ``Fit`` your business

We take time to ensure existing google footprints stay, but can completely refresh and upgrade your website to be modern, fresh and work.

Over the past 5 Nijo Dream has been working with businesses to turn thier process into databases and systems, allowing them to go ``online`` and have apps that run thier business.