
Website Purchase System and Integrated Mobile App + Members Login.

Bright Learners website is an e-commerce shop, accompanied with an Android App, iOs Apple App and a workflow management system that integrates all purchases and app usage, automated into one centrally managed customer database.


Have an App idea? Get in touch with Nijo Dream and we might be able to help you bring it to life.

Project Objective

To develop an App, that operates on mobile and tablet devices. The App is a language learning app target at early child learning. The app will display a list of cards/words that consist of five languages for each card. The user will select the word and the app will use pre-recorded voice recordings to speak (sound) the word(s) in the selected languages.


Database System

To achieve success Nijo Dream had to invent a new system, learn new technologies and integrate it all on multiple platforms.  The results and outcomes speak for themselves.

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