Web Application Development Services
Finding, then choosing the correct or best suited developer to implement your concept is the most important step in the entire app development process. To give your app into the right hands, this is going to be your potential business partner. Look no more, we build lasting business relationships and this is evident with relationships exceeding 20 years.
Nijo Dream offer commercial professional development of web applications.
Nijo Dream offer commercial professional development of Mobile Phone Apps, Web Applications, API development, Database Design and Engineering and orchestrating it all together with graphics and marketing, developing a well though out cohesive assets and products. We have had experienced in developing custom web based applications including office tools, productivity and educational systems, gaming applications, and much more. We are very experienced in turning operations digital and building custom platforms tailored to specific operations.
Database + Software
Initially Nijo Dream started out as a front end development, and graphic design company. Offering websites, graphic design and Professional offset printing and marketing services. Over the years as the internet has evolved so have we. When ecommerce started to take traction and trust in purchasing online went from scary to 100% for consumers and formed part of our daily lives, Nio Dream decided to adapt, invest and aquire the skills to develop database and membership systems, and take web development to an entire new level.
We took on the challenge of leasing our own commercial web servers and opened a Hosting service which enabled us to have the technologies and tools to implement our own applications, software’s and development envoironments.
We were fortunate and very privialged to have worked for Micheal Sheargold with Real Estate Results Network, a real estate network of Top performin realesate agencies. Its more than a network but a realestate training institution, and has grown and exceeded beyond what I remember was invisuaged well over a decade ago.
We were commissioned to take over the construction of their online learing college. A vision of the company, nothing actually functioned and the project was enourmouse to sauy the least!. The success of this project eable Nijo Dream to excel in this area.
Over the past decade we have produced online traing systems, certified learning systems, in house business productivity tools, document management and customer relationship management sysetms. Children learning and games. We have build an ecommerce system that produced over a milti-million dollars figure in only a 3 month period.
The success and relatively unknow and publiced service Nijo Dream offers is unique, and we are always tinkering or developing a database system, statistical analysis of they systems or looking at current busniesses and identifying ways in which systems we create can create efficiencies and automations in their business.
Another successful application that has been built recently takes the ability to track staff, projects and tasks, time jobs and produce reports and statistics based on timings in the daily activities of the operation of the business and staff. The application was build to provide a closed internal system between staff, clients and management for communications and operations of business. The application and database system was also build with the ability to have purpose built off location apps for staff to log and process jobs.
We look towards a project with a creative intelligent mind. We break things down into small logical task, objectives and functions. Sometimes it feels like forever… but eventually all the parts start coming together, and we produce stable, dependable applications that our clients, and their clients rely on.
Get in touch with us, we con offer an onsite visits, remote meetings, coupled with support and maintenance programs for all our applications and software systems developed, this enables us to keep current, secure and grow with our clients and technology as one.